Thursday, April 30, 2009

The style and the stigma of the pistil in Zea maize is normally referred to as the what?

Corn silk

The style and the stigma of the pistil in Zea maize is normally referred to as the what?
It IS called silk of the corn or maize.

The style in Zea mays (please note the correct botanical name of maize) is the longest in the plant Kingdom or in the flowering plants.At its base it is attached to the ovary.

This is not at al surprising as the plant is anemophilous or wind pollinated.( Anemos = wind ; Anemometer = An instrument to measure wind velocity.)

At its base it is attached to the ovary. It is the ovary only that turns in to corn. Botanically it is the fruit and the seed rolled in one.
Reply:The hair or silk that extends out of the end of the husk.

Amazing huh!?

I think each silk is connected to an ovary that becomes the kernel.
Reply:yeah, #1 is right on the money ... but it is not *that* amazing* ... like other grasses, maize is wind pollinated and the long styles are the plant's way of maximising reception of wind-borne pollen. It is kind of amazing in the sense that the styles are *way* more developed (longer) than in most other grasses.
Reply:#1 is quite right

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